Friday, July 22, 2016

Lifelong Learning: Staff Edition

I have learned a lot about Web 2.0 tools from this course. There have been opportunities to try out tools I heard about before this course and even more opportunities to try out tools that I never knew existed until this course. I have become quite fond of certain tools, like Diigo, that have been tremendously helpful in keeping my various web pages organized. I had a Twitter account before this course, but have used it more in the past couple of weeks than I have since first creating my account. 

While I have learned that there is a lot to learn about the web, perhaps one of my most significant Web 2.0 lessons happened earlier this week. We are in the middle of staff training. We have a number of returning and new staff who are learning about all the ways to develop and support college students for the upcoming year. I began having a casual conversation with a returning staff member, whom I had limited interaction with prior to training. I shared a bit about my Web 2.0 course, and he began sharing with me a wealth of knowledge about how to maximize some of the tools I mentioned. During this conversation, I learned not only about the tools but also about the person. I was in constant awe at (1) how little I knew about him before this conversation, and (2) how much I could learn from him about web tools for this course (AND how we can use them in our work). We were joined by other staff members who shared their experiences with various web tools and offered valuable insight that I will use as I continue to become more socially (media) developed.

I think there is a lot we can learn from the Internet. There are great opportunities for us to build networks and amazing engagement in online communities. This week has been a humbling reminder of how these same goals can be obtained by building relationships in person with those around us.

Shout out to my staff who provided me with some invaluable lessons this week: Corey Bell, Krystal Nicholson, and Tion Taylor. 
Not pictured: Michael Rockford and Stormy Walker.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool! I was in the dean's office just this week and she started asking me about using Twitter (she's newly joined). It led to a very interesting talk about various things we are each doing and would want to share (or not) online.
